Welcome To benefit claim medco prescription summary
to skip, not to split and not to share medications,' said Dr. Lon Castle, the medical director at Medco, one of the nation's largest on line pharmacies. He warns against avoiding the medicine you're supposed to take, against cutting pills in half without
Author: TheStreetTV
Keywords: thestreet.com Jim Cramer Wall Street Confidential stocks hedge fund mad money bulls bears drugs medical hospital doctor
Added: June 8, 2007
The Potentially Fatal Consequences of Allowing Insurance Companies To Direct Health Care
One danger of health care turning into a political issue is that we are seeing people who have little understanding of health care making recommendations for how medicine should be practiced. Two such examples can be seen from Dave Snow, benefits manager of Medco, and Arnold Kling. Snow believes tha...
Read the full post from Liberal Values
Tags: Blogosphere, Health Care
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The Potentially Fatal Consequences of Allowing Insurance Companies To Direct Health Care
One danger of health care turning into a political issue is that we are seeing people who have little understanding of health care making recommendations for how medicine should be practiced. Two such examples can be seen from Dave Snow, benefits manager of Medco, and Arnold Kling. Snow believes tha...
Read the full post from Liberal Values
Tags: Blogosphere, Health Care
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